Uranus in Taurus
When Uranus entered Aries in spring of 2010, my head constantly buzzed with the oppressive feel of being tangled in clouds. As a last recourse, I started chanting the Orphic hymn to the sky god Ouranos. I felt immense relief from this practice! Uranus had entered my tenth whole sign house of career, and shortly after his entrance into that house I was fired from a job and decided to turn my part-time tarot reading and teaching into my full-time career. Now with Uranus in Taurus, a new cycle has begun. To help you understand it, I have prepared a free e-book that gives you an overview of Uranus in Taurus and provides worksheets to help you understand Uranus in Taurus in terms of your natal chart. I also include personal practices to help connect with and receive support from this planetary intelligence, and ease the transition if you find it challenging.
Client readings I did over the past seven or eight years indicated that many people were feeling the intensity of Uranus in their lives, especially when that planet pulled in close to a personal planet or important point in their chart. My experience was that working with the planet at the time of ingress helped to get a preview of its energy, so that its purpose could be understood and preparations could be made for the time it triggered more specific points in the chart. The next six weeks are a great time to work with Uranus in Taurus using the techniques outlined in this free e-book!
Two years ago, when asked to prepare a talk on the topic of liminality, I chose the idea of planetary ingresses, when a planet crosses the border into a new sign or house. I prepared a detailed handout as part of that talk, titled “Through the Shining Veil: Planetary Ingresses for Self-Reflection,” and published it on my blog at that time. Now that Uranus has moved into Taurus, I recognized the need to re-visit my practice of propitiating him. I decided, early yesterday morning, to dust off the old handout, update it for the ingresses we’ll experience this year, and share it with you again.
In this free e-book you can learn about planetary ingresses in general, specific ingresses of the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus for the year 2018, and how to work with these energies to use their benefits and smooth over their rough edges. Not only is Uranus in Taurus now, but yesterday Mars moved into Aquarius, squaring Uranus. Both planets will go through a retrograde period that will take each back into the previous sign and ingress a second time into their new signs.
How Does Uranus in Taurus Affect You?
The handout, click the image below to open up the pdf, includes some worksheets that help you understand these ingresses and place them in the context of your own chart. I also provide some basic info on the Moon and encourage you to track it through the signs and houses in your chart to better understand its cycles and effect on your emotional responses. And I include Jupiter’s ingress into Sagittarius which happens later in the fall. Even though several of the relevant ingresses have already happened, you’ll discover that each has a period of time when it’s strongest. The retrogrades slow down this intense time period and give you multiple chances to connect with and understand the energy.
So if you don’t discover this post or the handout in mid-May, please still download it by clicking the image below — it’s totally free! — the info in here is relevant all the way through March 2019. Oh, by the way, I hate it when organizations offer something free and then make you give up your email address in exchange. I would love to have you join my e-mail newsletter list! But it’s not a requirement for getting the free e-book. The link opens up a pdf, easy-peasy and no-strings attached. If you think I offer the kind of things you’d be interested in, by all means please click here to sign up for my e-mail list. I send out a once-a-month newsletter with info on classes, events, meetups, articles, and all kinds of interesting things.
If you would like more detailed information on how Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aquarius, or Jupiter in Sagittarius affect you directly, please schedule an astrological consultation with me. See my services and book your appointment on my website. I’m available in person in the Denver, Colorado area and worldwide via telephone or Skype readings. Also please check out my upcoming Intuitive Astrology class! You’ll learn how to read your own chart and those of others, and you’ll practice seeing how transits affect a natal chart.


[…] over the Aries/Taurus cusp for nine months. Uranus upsets what Taurus holds fast to. (Check out my free e-book for worksheets that help you determine how this might affect […]