Find Your Way

Joy Vernon Astrology * Tarot * Reiki can guide you when you’re lost, teach you to always find the path, and inspire you to go further than you ever thought you could.

Welcome to Joy Vernon Astrology * Tarot * Reiki

Your Journey Starts Here

“Joy’s incredible metaphysical and mystery traditions knowledge base serves as the catalyst for absolutely stunning readings. Her insights and her abilities to interpret what is revealed are both beautiful and profound. She is a Tarot practitioner who can lead one up the path towards true personal manifestation…”

Completely You

Hi! I’m Joy Vernon, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, and Teacher of Traditional Japanese Reiki. This site is dedicated to helping you discover, connect to, and express your higher self — the best part of you — the part that is completely you.

Watch this video (it’s less than two minutes!) to start the journey to completely you!

First Steps


Connect with inspiring guidance. Astrology helps you know yourself. And when you're not yourself, learn why and for how long. Tarot readings offer insight, direction, and clarity. Astrology sees the big picture, while tarot fills in the details.


Learn do-it-yourself clarity. Soul-exploring and mind-expanding classes in tarot, astrology, Reiki, qabalah, esoteric tarot, mythology, ceremonial magic, meditation, and other related metaphysical studies. Online classes are available.


Contemplate the possibilities. Connect with Joy's insight through her hundreds of blog posts, e-books, videos, and free downloads. She offers instruction and wisdom on tarot, astrology, esotericism, qabalah, reiki, mythology, meditation, and more.

Relationship Readings

What Joy's Clients Are Saying

Learn Tarot with Quick Start Tarot!

Do Your First Tarot Reading

I offer all the resources you need to perform your first tarot reading. Do detailed, accurate, and soulful readings from day one, using your own words (no tarot meanings or keywords!). My step-by-step tarot interpretation guidelines make it easy! This innovative methodology will spark your creativity. Choose between a free guide or a low-cost online course option with lots of extras.
Free Option!

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