Year 2012

The Year of the Lovers

Numerologically, 2013 is a 6 year (2 + 0 + 1 + 3 = 6), so the tarot card for this year is Trump 6, the Lovers. The year card indicates common themes that will play out throughout this twelve-month…

Christmas Present

Welcome to the Tarot Blog Hop! An international group of tarotists are all writing on the same topic and then linking to each other so that the reader can hop from one blog to the next, seeing all the permutations…

two pink water lilies surrounded by lily pads covered in raindrops


Thursday night I taught Enkaku Chiryo Hô, the technique for remote healing, to my Okuden students (Reiki level 2). We learn a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods for treatment, as well as discussing the philosophy behind the practice. Then…

Up Your Game

I think the attunement is one of the most misunderstood aspects of Reiki. Recently a friend, a Reiki practitioner who was unfamiliar with the traditional Japanese Reiki that I teach, complained that he didn’t like the way the system of…

Explore Your Shadow

Explore Your Shadow An international group of tarotists are all writing on the same topic and then linking to each other so that the reader can hop from one blog to the next, seeing all the permutations and facets that…

Reiki Radicals

“Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. Breathe in and let yourself soar to the ends of the universe; breathe out and bring…


I hate getting my picture taken. We were scheduled to meet at 6 pm on Wednesday for headshots, and when the thunder rumbled and I noticed some dark clouds at 4, I called the photographer. “Well, I guess with this…

Photo by Evangelos Mpikakis on Unsplash

Mediocrity, Meditation, Mediterranean

What is meditation? I looked it up in my trusty Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary and found that “meditate” and “meditation” fall in between “mediocrity” and “Mediterranean.” That sums it up, doesn’t it! To get from an ordinary, average quality of…