Use Astrology to Identify Blocks
Get a Handle on What Makes Life Hard In Heart of the Dark Woods, we use my specialized Empyrean Key method to identify the primary block in your chart. Then we go on to note the helper who can offer…
Get a Handle on What Makes Life Hard In Heart of the Dark Woods, we use my specialized Empyrean Key method to identify the primary block in your chart. Then we go on to note the helper who can offer…
Transform Third-class Trash Into First-Rate Tarot Art Today’s assignment for the Tarot Blog Hop is to create a tarot card or two or three from your junk mail! As the wrangler, my suggestion was to stick to what comes through…
Mid Summer 2022 Blog Hop: Junk Mail Tarot Back in 2016 for the June Solstice, wrangler Morgan Drake Eckstein of Gleamings from the Golden Dawn proposed one of my all-time favorite blog hop topics: Junk Mail Tarot. I liked it…