Carefree Creativity

Online day retreat to release your inner creatrix. Find your light and bloom bright! Step-by-step Empyrean Key process integrates astrology, tarot, and ritual.

$333 for the day. Includes personalized handouts, discussion, guided meditation, and ritual work. Pay in full or pay $100 deposit, balance due on May 12 at the start of class.

Find Your Light and Bloom!

  • Have the winter blues stalled your creativity? Your planetary palette is ready to light up!
  • Are you in the mood to cultivate, grow, nourish, and tend? Let’s invoke the Tarot Empress!
  • Do you want to meet your maker? I can lead you through the maze to your amazing originality!

Access Your Inner Creatrix!

In this online day retreat, we’ll set sacred space, explore the symbolism of creativity, and examine our charts to uncover our greatest creative power. Then we’ll translate astrology into tarot for personal insight and inspiration. The process culminates with my signature Empyrean Key system, which walks you step-by-step through crystallizing your work into a unique and highly potent symbol that you can use to call forth your inner creatrix at will. Together as a group, we’ll perform a ritual to charge each participant’s unique intention.

An Experiential Workshop

You know that hazy warmth of comfort that lets you drift into innervating daydreams of great ideas? We’ll do meditations and energy work to spend the day in that fertile space.

You know that crystal clear shock of parts locking in place? My systematic structure and fill-in-the-blank handouts guide you step-by-step to personal revelation.

You know that fluorescent flow of process from inspiration into manifestation? By incorporating ritual work into the day’s practices we’ll automate the sprinklers in your garden of great ideas.

Sign Up Now for this Online Day Retreat

What Joy's Students are Saying

"Valuable Revelations"

"Incredible Insight"




Joy Vernon, Instructor

Joy Vernon is an astrologer and tarot reader in Burien, Washington. With over twenty-five years’ experience, she brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Under her leadership from 2011-2019, the Denver Tarot Meetup grew into one of the largest and most active tarot-specific meetups in the world. She now leads the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup. Joy has published more than 300 articles on tarot, astrology, qabalah, Reiki, and meditation on her blog Completely Joyous.

Find Your Light and Bloom Bright!

Connect with your inner creatrix using astrology and tarot. Meditation and ritual included for a feeling of completeness. Find your light and bloom bright!

$333 for the day. Includes personalized handouts, discussion, guided meditation, and ritual work. Pay in full or pay $100 deposit, balance due on May 12 at the start of class.