Q&A with Joy: Does A New Tarot Reading Override an Old One?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Does a New Tarot Reading Take Precedence Over the Previous Reading?

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In a complex situation, it’s helpful to consult the tarot often. But what if the answers differ? Does a new tarot reading override an old one? Yes and no.

Every reader knows that if you ask the same question over and over the cards will start babbling in gibberish. However, if anything about the circumstances has changed, it’s appropriate to ask a new question. And there are a variety of situations in which things change quickly. Most tarot-worthy life changes, such as job searches, moving, family growing pains, and relationships coming together (or falling apart) are all tricky balancing acts that require you to check in more frequently. In fact, when you’re in the midst of a complicated situation that requires a delicate touch, it is completely appropriate to check in with the cards at each baby step. But what if the cards start telling you different things with each new angle of attack you take? Does a new tarot reading override an old one? Or are both valid? One client recently contacted me to find out.

Q&A with Joy

Here’s the question:

Thank you, Joy. It was great to see you too. I have one question and it is probably silly but is the previous reading that we had still relevant after you have a new one? I hope it is since the final outcome was very positive. Thank you.

Here’s my answer:

Yes, the previous reading outlined the big picture and is still relevant. This reading yesterday was about the one small aspect of the big picture — her responding to contacts you are making now. It is smaller in scope, and represents a shorter time frame within that big picture. I hope this helps!

When a New Tarot Reading Doesn’t Override an Old One

Although all readers are different and have their unique styles, usually your first reading will address the big picture. My rule of thumb is that the initial sitting addresses the full scope of the question asked — if the question has to do with a tight one-month turnaround, the reading addresses that time period. If it’s a drawn-out multi-year sequence, that is the time frame of the reading. If the question is general with no inherent time frame (“What’s my outlook for love?” “What do I need to know about finances?”), and we do not specifically impose a time frame (“what will the outcome be in three months?”), I find that most general situations address a six to twelve month period.

It’s also true that every action you take regarding the situation can alter the outcome. That’s free will! So it’s entirely appropriate to check in during a complex situation at key points in its development.

So, does a new tarot reading override an old one? No, when we’re comparing an “action step” reading to the overall “big picture” reading. Yes, if we are comparing one action step reading to a previous action step reading.

When a New Tarot Reading Does Override an Old One

For instance, an initial big picture reading might indicate that a big career advancement is in store. An action step reading might indicate that you are doing well in the selection process for a certain company. Then you have the interview and come back for another action step reading. This one might give a negative outcome. Well, you might have done great, but someone else was a better fit for that job. In this case, the new tarot reading overrode the old one: one action step reading took precedence over the previous action step reading.

What to do? We know this career advancement is there for you, that’s not in doubt. That was our big picture reading. So we proceed with the next action step. We’ll keep looking at other positions you’ve applied for, looking at what each company wants most from the candidate, what your strengths for this particular position are, what demeanor to bring to the table to fit the company’s culture, etc. Eventually the cards will guide you through to that original promise revealed in the first reading.

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Joy Vernon
Joy Vernon

Joy Vernon is widely recognized as an expert tarot teacher and respected community leader. With over twenty-five years’ experience teaching energetic and esoteric modalities, Joy brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Under her leadership, the Denver Tarot Meetup grew into one of the largest and most active tarot-specific meetups in the world. Now Joy runs the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup. Joy works as a tarot reader, astrologer, and teacher in Burien, Washington. To learn more, please visit JoyVernon.com.

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