Autumn leaves fall to the ground with sparkling light filtering through the trees.

How to Password Protect Your Bountiful Harvest

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Create an Equinox Password and Create Your Bountiful Harvest

Our theme for the fall equinox Tarot Blog Hop is Bountiful Harvest. Raine of Tarot of Change suggested it and Jay of Jay’s Mystic Blog is hosting the master list. So, it’s that time of year. Now is the time to reap our rewards! Did you get what you want? Unfortunately, this isn’t Christmas, with gifts generously strewn. This crop is the result of your desire and effort. In spring we talk of planting seeds. Then, as the wheel turns to autumn, we take the time to harvest. But as you look around at your paltry crop, you may wonder, what am I missing here? Today I’ll share a few ideas on how to put in an order and then password protect your bountiful harvest.


Scroll down for the free downloadable tarot spread! See all my free downloadables.

Reap What You Sow

It’s easy in gardening. You plant a pumpkin seed, you get a pumpkin vine. But what about life? How do I plant love, or prosperity, or success? Where do I find the seeds for personal or professional accomplishment? Let alone spiritual enlightenment! What do I need to water so that I can simply pluck fulfillment from the vine? It’s easy enough to say that sharing love or generosity or happiness breeds more of the same. And it’s true!

But sometimes we suffer from two problems. One, we don’t know what we want. Am I right? On the other hand, sometimes we know what we want, but it’s one of those things we literally and figuratively don’t get. You see other people with it, but an uncrossable chasm separates you from this achievement. You’ve rearranged the puzzle pieces in your mind a thousand times, but you can’t put together this picture in your own life.

Good news! I’m going to share an irresistibly simple process for reaching your goals. First, I’ll take it out of its stiff, heavy, ceremonial robes. Then I’ll give it a fresh and lighthearted tarot veneer. Ready to password protect your bountiful harvest? Let’s go!

The Abrogation of the Password

Autumn leaves fall to the ground with sparkling light filtering through the trees.
Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash

In the Golden Dawn system (oh my gosh, you KNEW I was going to say that sooner or later, didn’t you?), there are two major ceremonies of the year. Members of that tradition celebrate the two equinoxes. That’s it. No other holidays. Just the two points of equal day and night. Is it any wonder that when I first met members of a Golden Dawn Temple that I was immediately impressed with how balanced they were?

Each equinox, the leadership of a Golden Dawn temple will choose a password, which the members then use in a variety of ways for six months. While this password can be the secret code to enter the ritual, it’s much more than that. It is an intention for the group as a whole. More importantly, it’s something for each individual to meditate on and bring into their life over the next half year.

However, before any of this can happen, it is most important to get rid of the old password. Fabulous new stuff can’t come in until the old stuff is gone. So if you’re ready for your bountiful harvest, first you have to clear the ground. Let’s look at how it works in the traditional ritual.

Concise Summary of the Ceremony of the Equinox

The first step of the Ceremony of the Equinox, after the standard opening, is the abrogation of the previous year’s password. Then there are a bunch of fancy words about balance. Each officer lays down their symbol of office, releasing it with the old password. At the same time, they remove the elemental symbols from the altar. After some fancy ritual moves and more fancy words, there comes a beautiful poem about how the Divine is everywhere. Then they confer the new password which will be used for the next six months. At this point, they put the altar back together. The new officers are announced. After many Very Important Things, each new officer picks up their symbol of office using the new password. Lastly, there is the closing.

The Essence of the Ceremony of the Equinox

So, here’s how to apply this ritual formula to your life. You can use these questions as journaling prompts or pull a card for each one.

  1. Abrogate your password. What outdated idea or belief is ruling your day to day life? Toss it in the compost heap.
  2. Invite balance. What brings balance to your life?
  3. Lay down the role that no longer serves you. What is keeping you attached to your outdated idea from step 1? How can you lose this role?
  4. Remove the four elements from the altar. The four elements are the basic ingredients of life. We must have them. But sometimes they get out of balance. We take them apart to bring each back into balance. What structure needs to be taken apart at this time?
  5. Briefly contemplate the fact that at this point in your ritual, you no longer have a password, role, or even the basic ingredients of life. As you feel this emptiness, remember that the Divine is everywhere, even now, here. Even when you feel like you have nothing. Feel the Divine fill your emptiness.
  6. As you feel the presence of the Divine, choose a new password. This is your theme for the next six months! It’s your intention, your bountiful harvest that you can achieve by the spring equinox.
  7. Replace the four elements on the altar. From these simple components, you can build anything. What new foundation do you need to lay so that you can build your new goal?
  8. Choose your new role in life. This is the quality you will develop that will most help you reach your goal.

The Abrogation of the Password Tarot Spread

Here’s a super simple version that lets you get right to the heart of the matter. Pull one card for each of the four positions. This emphasizes the need to first release the old. Then invite balance. Knowing that the Divine (or similar) is always with you, no matter what, is key. That way you know that even when you feel like you have nothing, this connection is present. Then set your intention.

  1. Abrogation of the password. I release this outdated idea.
  2. This is the balance I seek.
  3. This is how I know the Divine is with me.
  4. Confer the new password. This is my intention for my bountiful harvest.
Password protect your bountiful harvest with this simple process for reaching goals using the Abrogation of the Password Tarot Spread.
Click the image to open a pdf of the Abrogation of the Password Tarot Spread that you can download and print.

Conferring the New Password

Your new password is the intention you will work to achieve over the next six months. This is for you only, no one else needs to know it. Keep it secret! Keep it safe! But, how do you use it?

  • Meditate on it
  • Journal about it
  • Use it as a mantra
  • Form affirmations based on it
  • Write it on your water bottle (maybe in code or small or hidden so others won’t see it)
  • Label your life with it

You might say that this is an intention with a time limit. For six months, you will work with this theme, try to achieve its directive, and learn to incorporate it into your life. Then at the vernal equinox you will abrogate it and choose a new password. Then the cycle begins again! Let’s see how close you can get to your goal in the next six months. By following these suggestions, you can password protect your bountiful harvest!

Hop to the Next Harvest

I hope you enjoyed coming up with your password for the next six months. Did you like this process? Let me know in the comments!

Now it’s time to see what our other hoppers have to say on the theme of bountiful harvest!


Joy Vernon
Joy Vernon

Joy Vernon is widely recognized as an expert tarot teacher and respected community leader. With over twenty-five years’ experience teaching energetic and esoteric modalities, Joy brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Under her leadership, the Denver Tarot Meetup grew into one of the largest and most active tarot-specific meetups in the world. Now Joy runs the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup. Joy works as a tarot reader, astrologer, and teacher in Burien, Washington. To learn more, please visit

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  1. Joy, thanks for this post! I love the idea of focusing on one intention for six months. I will use your spread and figure out my password for the next six months 😊

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