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Reiki Blog Hop: Reiki Meditations

For this session of the Reiki Blog Hop, which I wrangled, I proposed that we each share the instructions for the first Reiki meditation we learned or teach. Today’s post includes written instructions for jôshin kokyû hô, the breathing technique for focusing the mind. I also included a 20-minute guided meditation mp3 recording! Please check out the other meditations in this series:

  1. Fourfold Breath Meditation with Tarot Ace Visualization – July 15, 2018
  2. Jôshin Kokyû Hô Reiki Meditation – Today’s post!
  3. Discursive Meditation – September 15, 2018
  4. The Middle Pillar Exercise – October 15, 2018
  5. TBD – November 15, 2018

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Reiki Meditations: Jôshin Kokyû Hô

Jôshin kokyû hô means “breathing technique for focusing the mind.” This is my all-time favorite meditation. It is both grounding and connecting, bringing you fully into your body while simultaneously connecting you to the Source of All That Is through the hara, the energy center in the belly.

This is not a “zone-out” meditation, but rather a structured approach to intentional breathing. The breathing is done consciously, so that your mind is occupied with a steady awareness of the in and out flow of the breath. If your mind wanders, bring it back to paying attention to the steady in-breath and out-breath.

Next you can increase the intensity of the meditation by layering on the awareness of the flow of energy with the breath. First feel the energy collect and concentrate at the hara energy center below the naval on the in-breath. Then experience the energy as it expands outward, filling the universe with the release of the out-breath. Building energy at the hara connects you with your true self, strengthens your personal energy, and connects you to Spirit.


The practice of gasshô consists of placing the hands, palms pressed comfortably together, in front of you, anywhere between heart level to forehead level or higher. The higher the gasshô is held, the more respect it is considered to communicate. When performing gasshô, place your attention in the hollow between your palms, or at the tips of your middle fingers. The hands are usually held a few inches away from the body, but if you are holding the position for a long meditation session, you may find it more comfortable to move your hands close enough to your body that your forearms and thumbs rest against your chest. Gasshô is performed before and after any technique. It can be helpful to set any intentions you have for your practice, such as simply stating, “I will now practice jôshin kokyû hô,” while performing gasshô before you begin.

Kenyoku Hô (method of dry bathing)

Kenyoku Hô is a technique for clearing the energy of the meridians. After performing it, you may feel your energy become clearer and stronger.

  1. Start by placing your right hand on the front of your left shoulder. On an exhalation, make a strong, steady sweeping motion from your left shoulder to your right hip, sweeping your hand off the hip as if you were brushing something off yourself.
  2. Inhale and place your left hand on your right shoulder, exhale and sweep down to and off your left hip.
  3. Inhale and place the right hand again on the left shoulder then exhale and sweep down to and off the right hip.
  4. On an inhalation, return your right hand to the left shoulder, holding your left arm out in front of you, bent at the elbow, palm up, as if you were holding a tray. On an exhalation, make a strong, steady sweeping motion down your left arm and across your palm, brushing off at the tips of your fingers.
  5. Inhale and place your left hand on your right shoulder, with your right arm bent at the elbow, palm up, and again exhale as you make the sweeping motion as if you were brushing something off your arm and hand.
  6. Finish by following the breathing pattern as you use your right hand to again brush off your left arm.

Jôshin Kokyû Hô (method of focusing the mind with the breath)

  1. When you finish performing Kenyoku Hô, simply allow your hands to fall open into your lap, palms facing up.
  2. Begin breathing from the hara, or belly. The hara is located slightly below your naval and just in front of the spine. This point is also sometimes called the tanden or tan t’ien. In this meditation, we breathe in and out through the nose.
  3. Breathe into the hara. Feel the energy flowing with the breath, concentrating in the belly. You may begin to feel heat or light building in your hara. Cultivate this as it is your original creative source. Strong, flowing energy here leads to good health and greater spiritual connection.
  4. Breathe out feeling the energy of the hara expand out into the universe.
  5. Continue steps 3 and 4 for several minutes up to 30 minutes or more.
  6. Become aware of how your personal energy connects and flows with the energy of the universe.


We end the practice by returning to gasshô. You can use the final gasshô to express gratitude for your practice, such as stating, “Thank you for letting me perform jôshin kokyû hô today.”

Reiki Meditation: Joshin Kokyû Hô Recording

Practice this meditation daily, once or twice a day, for increased energy and spiritual connection. Although it is best to practice this meditation quietly at your own pace, the following 20-minute guided meditation mp3 recording might help you learn the practice. Once you are comfortable with it and know it well, you can discontinue using the recording and do the meditation on your own.

Hop on to More Reiki Meditations!

Use the links below to see what our other bloggers have to say about meditating and what Reiki meditations they recommend!


Joy Vernon
Joy Vernon

Joy Vernon is widely recognized as an expert tarot teacher and respected community leader. With over twenty-five years’ experience teaching energetic and esoteric modalities, Joy brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Under her leadership, the Denver Tarot Meetup grew into one of the largest and most active tarot-specific meetups in the world. Now Joy runs the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup. Joy works as a tarot reader, astrologer, and teacher in Burien, Washington. To learn more, please visit

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  1. I recognised those meditations, I got taught them the first time I did my masters and found them really useful for making a connection to my own inner master, but it was funny how when I did my masters for the second time the approach was completely different in that the meditations weren’t included.

    Loved how you managed to add the mp3, I haven’t as yet managed to make that happen.

    • Yes, tried and true teachings! The mp3 files are a work in progress. I’m always trying to make them better. At some point I’d like to include music by my boyfriend, Hal Weeks. I think that would be fabulous!

  2. I love the breath meditation… that has got me through a few dental operations… Gassho is also a favourite. My hands are rarely still so I find pausing them strangely pleasing.

    • Yes, I love gassho too! When I’m teaching, I’ll be talk-talk-talk-talk and explaining meditation then I’ll demonstrate by placing my hands in gassho and suddenly I go completely silent. It’s just instant meditation. 🙂

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