How to Choose and Use a Tarot Card to Represent Yourself
I was talking with a friend yesterday and she mentioned she saw no point in using a significator card in the Celtic Cross tarot spread. I agreed that it was optional. But for those who want to use one, it can provide a variety of benefits and bring insights to your tarot spreads.
A significator card is a card chosen before the start of the reading to represent the person asking the question (the querent). There are a variety of ways of choosing such a card. I’ll give examples of how to choose one, and then discuss the benefits of using the card in readings.
Choosing Your Significator Card
Fool, Magician, or High Priestess Are Significators Easily Adaptable for All
Some readers use a basic binary, such as using the Magician for male clients or the High Priestess for female clients. This is obviously fairly limiting in so many ways! But if you’d like to keep it simple, for nonbinary folks I’d probably add in the option of either the Fool as the symbol of all-potential or Temperance, because angels are genderless and its symbolism is about balance and integration. Keep in mind that the first few cards of the Major Arcana are closer to formlessness than cards later in the sequence. So the Fool, Magician, and High Priestess embody a highly abstract quality that makes them easily adaptable to a variety of personality types.
Base the Significator on Appearance
Alternately, it’s common to use a card, typically chosen from the court cards, that looks like the querent. …
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