Welcome to the Empyrean Way
Here are the resources you need to get started!
Welcome Video
Here’s a short welcome video with a story about making candles and an invitation for a fun start to the program.
Three Questions to Launch Your Way
As we start this one-year program, let’s take some time to consider what you want out of it. When you have a goal, you are better able to choose the tasks that will help you reach it. Here is a fun game featuring three questions, with visual answers, to uncork your dreams and inspire your goals.
You’ll need enough time for thoughtful contemplation of the questions. A journal or notebook might come in handy as well.
Let's Play a Game

As we start this one-year program, let’s take some time to consider what you want out of it. When you have a goal, you are better able to choose the tasks that will help you reach it. Here are three questions, with visual answers, to uncork your ideas and inspire your goals.
You might find it useful to journal about your expectations for the program. If you already have a lot of ideas regarding what you want, get them out of your head and on paper before you play the game.
But if you are feeling vague about how the program will fit into your life, play this game first and use it to start the flow of thoughts so you can better understand your goals and where you are now in relationship to them.
How to Play the Game
Please don't hover your cursor over the images until you have made your final choice!

To play the game, I’ll pose a question and you’ll answer by choosing one image from a selection of six. Please don’t hover your mouse over the images until you have chosen your answer. Each question asks how you feel about something. Then there are six images — all taken from the Empyrean Way landing page — each embodying a different feeling. Choose the image that best expresses how you feel.
Then, hover over the image. It will flip over and show a tarot card and some of my thoughts on how it might relate to the question. This is my best choice for a card that matches the feeling I get from the image. If you know your cards well, feel free to substitute a card that better matches your feeling!
If you feel the same way about more than one question, it’s ok to choose the same image more than once.
Email me with your choices. I’ll send you a pdf of the images and tarot cards you chose so you can meditate on and contemplate the images to keep in mind your feelings about the program.
Find Your Theme
Think about the reason why you signed up for this program. To increase your creativity? To find your path? To get in touch with Spirit? It’s probably a blend of several reasons. Let your mind hold these reasons lightly, and feel what intention connects them. We’ll call this intention your theme or goal. What is your theme for this program?
Question 1: How Do I Feel Now?
Keeping your theme in mind, ask yourself, “How do I feel about this theme in my life right now?” Choose one of the following six images to answer that question.
Ace of Cups
Two of Swords
Eight of Wands
The Ten of Cups
Two of Wands
Nine of Pentacles
Question 2: How Do I Want to Feel?
Carefully consider your goal. Where do you want to be at the end of this one-year program? When you reach that goal, how will you feel? Choose from the images to answer that question.
The Fool
The Moon
The Wheel of Fortune
The Hermit
The Empress
Question 3: What would help me reach my goal?
As you consider where you are now and where you want to be, ask yourself what you need to get there. If you could feel like this every day when you work on your goal, or if you had more of this feeling in your life in general, it would be easier to reach the objective expressed by your theme and symbolized by your answer to Question 2. What feeling would help you reach your goal? Choose the best answer from the six images below.
Knight of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Swords
Queen of Wands
Page of Wands
Queen of Pentacles
Send Me Your Answers
Please email me or use this form to let me know your visual answers to the three questions. I will email you a pdf of the three images and matching tarot cards you chose! If you’d like to share with me any of the insights you received from playing this game, there’s space to add them. I’ll send you a copy of this form, so you can also use this as your journal if you like (and if you don’t mind me reading it 🙂 ).
Thank You!
Thank you for sharing your answers. I’ll send you a pdf of the images and the cards you chose within twenty-four hours. I’ll also contact you with next steps and an invitation for the group Meet and Greet!