Using the Astrological Fifth House to Create Yourself
In astrology, the fifth house is about creativity, pleasure, and joy. Our offspring are assigned to this house, but more than just childbirth, we find the experience of coming-into-being in this part of the chart. Although it’s exciting to implement this creative urge externally through art, writing, music, crafts, and all types of hobbies that bring something into the world where nothing was before, we can step back to something even more basic. Bringing our own essence into being. Creating ourselves.
How can the fifth house be so personal? For one thing, where you find pleasure and enjoyment is often something totally unique about you. Although we all love music and long walks on the beach, the truth is that every person’s idea of fun is a little different. But the power of identifying what you most like is key to awakening what is COMPLETELY YOU about you. You can see this easily when you consider that the tarot’s Strength card correlates to the astrological fifth house. This is where you claim your personal expression!
What Creativity is NOT
Moreover, the fifth house is decidedly unrelated to money, work and career. The fifth house of creativity is square to the second house of money, and in aversion to (30 degrees from or 150 degrees from) the sixth house of work and the tenth house of career. That means that your creative expression is either challenged by or simply does not connect with these other — typically required — parts of life! This little tidbit helps you see why your own self-expression can be at odds with the duties of life.
It’s nice to know that relationships — those found in the third, seventh, and eleventh houses — provide support and opportunity. On the other hand, the fourth house of family, the eight house of imposed limitations, and the twelfth house of exile are contrary to our creativity. It’s easy to see why: our creative expression is part of our individuation, so we must break the ties with those who brought us up. We must do it for ourselves and not for others who want a say in the process. But we also have to be able to share what we create with kindred spirits and not lock it away in darkness.
Finding Support for Creativity
So what supports your uniqueness? The first house of identify and ninth house of exploration. The first, fifth, and ninth are in an easy-going, Jupiter-ruled trine aspect to each other (120 degrees apart). In fact, it’s useful to consider the first, fifth, and ninth houses as the steps of personal development.
- In the first house, you find your identity, what makes you YOU and not someone else.
- In the fifth house of creativity, you discover your expression. This can be your style, voice, statement, brand. This is where you blaze bright in your personal spotlight. This is where you’re COMPLETELY YOU.
- Then in the ninth house, you grow and expand by exploring what’s different from you and finding your place in a larger world. Your evolution comes from searching for what’s BEYOND the edges of you.
It’s Time to Shine
“But wait, what does being COMPLETELY YOU actually mean? I mean, how can I be anything but me?” As a matter of fact, there are lots of ways! We can live up to the expectations of others. Confine ourselves to the limits imposed by those who restrict our authority. We can get lost in the day’s duties and not its opportunities.
If you prefer the freedom of being COMPLETELY YOU, then it’s time to shine! Just be, in the way that releases your joy, engages your heart, and inspires you to manifest your brilliant imagination.
The Point of You
“So what, do I follow the yellow brick road until I realize the power was in me all along?” Sure, maybe, that’s one approach for you and your lion! But one of the most astonishing things about creativity is the stark realization that the one thing you can never have is what you create. That’s why the astrological fifth is the house of coming-into-being. It’s a spiral of becoming, dancing the world into reality, whirling on a pivot that shrinks to just the point of you.
You wrap the shriek of “NO” (or was it “NOW!”?) around the egg of blinding light and lose the you-that-was in shards of broken shell. Cosmogenesis. Cosmosis, the absorption of the universe into YOU. And the subsequent release of all that’s been, is, or ever will be in an eternally resounding roar of inspired individuality.