
Praise from my students and clients.

Praise from my Students and Clients

My deep gratitude goes out to all the students, clients, and group participants who have been so wonderfully generous with their praise over the past twenty-plus years. I sincerely thank you.

Most of the testimonials from my students come from the evaluation forms I hand out the last day of class and so are anonymous. But sometimes I can provide the name because the student contacted me directly and gave me permission, or because class participants publicly posted their comments on Meetup.

You might notice that some of the comments here use phrases that you’ve seen in my marketing materials–no, the students didn’t regurgitate the flyer when rating my classes–I took my advertising copy from my student testimonials! It was the most effective and accurate way for me to express what real people find beneficial in my classes.

If you’ve had a session or taken a class with me and would like to share your experience (and your name!), I’d love it if you would contact me to provide a testimonial. Or submit a review on Google, Yelp, or Facebook!

Thank You For Your Google Reviews!

See all my reviews on Google!

From Astrology and Tarot Clients

  • “Compassionate”
  • “Accurate”
  • “Helpful”
  • “Intuitive”
  • “Insightful”

From Tarot Students

  • “Interactive”
  • “Creative”
  • “Valuable”
  • “Brilliant”
  • “Rigorous”
  • “Intuitive”

From Empyrean Key Students and Clients

  • “Valuable revelations”
  • “Unique and fascinating”
  • “Incredible insight”
  • “Inspiring”
  • “Enlightening”
  • “Informative and helpful”

From Reiki Clients and Students

  • “Transformative”

  • “Fantastic energy”

  • “Eased my pain”

  • “Thoughtful”

  • “Like a weekend retreat”