Mercury Retrograde and the Eight of Wands

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

November Astrology from a Tarot Perspective

Explore the astrology of Mercury retrograde via the tarot Eight of Wands to navigate the challenges and reap the rewards this month offers.

“East wind taking the prince to the Garden of Paradise” from Stories from Hans Andersen, illustrated by Edmund Dulac 1911. Public Domain.

The tarot’s Eight of Wands typically represents fast, direct movement. Its image often illustrates gliding in to a smooth landing, or alternately blasting off into space. Astrologically, the Eight of Wands aligns with the first decan of Sagittarius, ruled by Mercury. The planet of swiftness enters Sagittarius today, November 2, 2024, passes most of the way through the sign, and then reviews its work as it returns all the way to the first decan during its retrograde. With the Sun passing through this decan as well this month, and the new moon in the first decan of Sagittarius closing out the month, this part of the zodiac will become familiar territory.

Mercury In Detriment In Sagittarius

There is almost nothing that has such a keen sense of fun” from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, 1906. Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.

Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius. It rules the opposite sign of Gemini with facile dexterity, easy communication, and social grace. In Sagittarius, a sign ruled by the biggest planet, Jupiter, Mercury is too much. It’s moving so fast it leaves everyone behind. It wants to go the distance, like the centaur’s arrow flying high above the fray then precisely hitting the target with the accuracy of a sniper and the elegance of a hawk. Unlike the social butterfly we see in Gemini, this is a Mercury who wants to beat the record, to split the arrow at the center of the target, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

On the other hand, a less experienced Mercury can find chaos in Sagittarius. Overwhelmed and out of control, this novice puts energy into everything in a haphazard attempt to see what works. Without a clear direction and eagle eyesight, they can easily miss the mark, or worse, burn out.

Understanding Mercury in Detriment Through the Eight of Wands

We see these various ways of understanding in different decks. In the Numinous Tarot, eight candles combine their flames to launch a single red arrow spiraling toward its goal. The Fountain Tarot sees parallel tracks narrowing into unity under the illumination of the expanding rays of a rising sun. In stark opposition to that symmetry, we see the chaos of a whirlwind spinning sticks out of control as a woman in a pointed hat guides her spell with her wand in the Everyday Witch Tarot — or is she just trying to grab at something? And finally, the DruidCraft Tarot shows a youth practicing throwing javelins — it seems his form needs work.

Saturn T-Square with Mercury and Jupiter

From “Elfin Song” illustrated by Florence Harrison, 1912.

Later this month, on November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius, stepping into the Eight of Wands decanic week. At this point, Mercury is well ahead in the Ten of Wands decan. The Sun and Mercury won’t connect in their inferior conjunction until December 5, in the middle decan, the Nine of Wands. At that time, they will form a tight T-square with Sagittarius’s ruler and Saturn in mid-Pisces.

We see the first inklings of this T-square mid-month (November 12-18). With Saturn stationing direct in the middle of Pisces and Jupiter retrograde at this time, it’s more like Mercury squares Saturn and then opposes Jupiter. But with a wide orb, we can see the T-square dynamic at play. The back and forth of the retrogrades keeps this dynamic grinding through the end of the year.

Saturn is cradled between Jupiter and Mercury, holding the reins of those two opposite-pulling chargers. While Saturn wants to build, Jupiter wants to teach, and Mercury wants to grandstand. Saturn attempts to lay his foundation in the drifting ocean of Pisces, Jupiter’s wisdom is simplified to witty Gemini sound bites, while Mercury the gymnast is headed abroad to the Olympics. Combining these archetypes, we get the image of a talented but undisciplined student, too impatient to receive the full import of his superior’s tutelage. Together, they must find common ground to develop their rigorous training schedule, but they’re sloshing through the slick mud and can’t find firm footing.

Tarot to Understand the Mutable T-Square

Nine of Swords, Nine of Cups, and Nine of Wands from Tarot of the Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham and Natasa Ilincic, published by Llewellyn Publications 2023.

This story is expressed so beautifully in the tarot cards. The T-square occurs around 14-18 degrees of the mutable signs of Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius, the middle decans of those signs. So our tarot cards to represent the T-square are:

  • Nine of Swords for Jupiter’s transit of the middle decan of Gemini (the decan ruled by Mars)
  • Nine of Cups for Saturn’s placement in Pisces (Jupiter’s decan)
  • Nine of Wands for Mercury’s progress through Sagittarius (decan of the Moon)

In the Tarot of the Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham and Natasa Ilincic, we see the buzzing annoyance of those early workouts dragging us out of bed, the alluring offer of the promise of the win, and the ready-set-go of the disciplined work ahead.

How does this play out as your story? What does this astrology offer you — both challenges and support — as it plays out over the remainder of the year? How can you use these retrogrades to untangle your early attempts? What will it take to get back on the ground and ready to go? Where do you find wisdom and guidance?

Mercury Retrograde to The Rescue

“Peter screamed out, ‘Do it again!’ and with great good-nature they did it several times” from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, 1906. Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.

Mercury Retrograde to the rescue! On November 25, Mercury does an about face, returning from 22.5 degrees of Sagittarius — most of the way through the sign — all the way back to 6.5 degrees. Touching base in each of the three decans, it then returns to its home decan (December 9-22) to try try again. For every launch that fizzled instead of sizzled, for every fumbled pass, for every comic outtake, you get another go. So go go GO!

New Moon in Sagittarius Revisits the Eight of Wands

From “Elfin Song” illustrated by Florence Harrison, 1912.

The last day of the month we return to the first decan of Sagittarius for the New Moon. With an invigorating trine from Mars in Leo, we feel the wind fill our sails. All the pieces line up. A confident direction, wise counsel, clear horizon, and the reconciliation arising from the ongoing retrograde launches us briskly toward our goal. This might not be your last shot, but the further you ride this wave, the easier your future attempts will be.

Eight of Wands from the Mythic Tarot by Liz Greene, Tricia Newell, Juliet Sharman-Burke, published by Fireside 1986.

How Will These Planets Affect YOUR Chart? Book with Joy to Find Out!

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Joy Vernon Astrology * Tarot * Reiki can guide you when you’re lost, teach you to always find the path, and inspire you to go further than you ever thought you could.

Plan Your Month with Tarot and Astrology

Here’s a recap of the astrology we discussed this month:

  • 2-9 Nov 2024: Mercury in the first decan of Sagittarius, the decan he rules but one of his signs of detriment
  • 12-18 Nov 2024: T-Square – Mercury squares Saturn and opposes Jupiter, this general configuration repeats through the end of the year; Mercury-Sun conjunction December 5 is part of this aspect pattern
  • 21 Nov 2024: The Sun enters Sagittarius
  • 25 Nov 2024: Mercury retrograde through December 15
  • 30 Nov 2024: We close the month with the New Moon in the first decan of Sagittarius
Joy Vernon
Joy Vernon

Joy Vernon is widely recognized as an expert tarot teacher and respected community leader. With over twenty-five years’ experience teaching energetic and esoteric modalities, Joy brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional tarot structure. Under her leadership, the Denver Tarot Meetup grew into one of the largest and most active tarot-specific meetups in the world. Now Joy runs the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup. Joy works as a tarot reader, astrologer, and teacher in Burien, Washington. To learn more, please visit

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