Category Reiki

The Heart of Healing

Kokoro: Heart, Mind, Spirit The following is excerpted from the student manual for the Daiseishi Bosatsu Reiki class that I teach. One of the goals of traditional Japanese Reiki is to approach Reiki from a culturally Japanese perspective. What does…

Learning to Heal the Hard Way

I first learned to work with energy back in the late 80s/early 90s through the magical practices of a few Neo-Pagan ritual groups. The work I learned included some healing techniques, although I didn’t use them much. In addition to…

How I Became a Reiki Teacher

After I had received my teacher training in Usui Tibetan Reiki (Jan 2005), in addition to the daily energetic meditations I was doing (I was practicing chi gong meditations, because the Usui Tibetan system didn’t teach any traditional Japanese meditations),…

Becoming One with the Precepts

Last week in my Shoden (Reiki 1) class, we were discussing the precepts and practicing various methods of meditating on them, including the practice of speaking the precepts energetically from the hara, or the energy center in the belly. The…

Waka and Oneness

Poetry is an important aspect of Traditional Japanese Reiki. The Usui Reiki Ryôhô Gakkai  included 125 poems, called waka, in the hikkei, or handbook, given to members. Meditations on gyosei, the poetry written by the Meiji Emperor, reflect the nationalism…

two pink water lilies surrounded by lily pads covered in raindrops


Thursday night I taught Enkaku Chiryo Hô, the technique for remote healing, to my Okuden students (Reiki level 2). We learn a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods for treatment, as well as discussing the philosophy behind the practice. Then…

Up Your Game

I think the attunement is one of the most misunderstood aspects of Reiki. Recently a friend, a Reiki practitioner who was unfamiliar with the traditional Japanese Reiki that I teach, complained that he didn’t like the way the system of…